It will feature free entertainment for the children, jumping castles, go pedal tracks, a bucking bull and an outdoor cinema screening, as well as town favourites such as the Jerilderie fire brigade trucks.
The event is the major fundraiser for St Joseph’s School.
Gates open at 3pm at Monash Park.
Jerilderie’s World Day of Prayer service will be held at St Andrew’s Uniting Church on Friday, March 1 at 10am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Reverend Gemma Le Mesurier will be offering the reflection on the theme, ‘I beg you…bear with one another in love’.
The service booklet for this year has been prepared by an ecumenical group of women of Palestine.
Congratulations to Joy and Arthur Knight who recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with family and friends at the Colony Inn Hotel.
The Jerilderie Hospital Auxiliary will be holding its first meeting for the year tomorrow at 2pm, in the meeting room at the hospital.
New members always welcome.
Jerilderie Public School P & C will be holding its AGM on Tuesday, March 5, at 7pm in the staff room at the school.
Everyone is welcome.
Jerilderie Branch of CWA will be hosting a CPR training day on Thursday, March 21, from 10am at the CWA meeting rooms in Bolton St.
Training will be facilitated by NSW Ambulance crews from Jerilderie with back-up from members.
Interested community members will be warmly welcomed at this event where you will learn how to recognise the need for CPR, how to administer CPR, and how to use a defibrillator.
A date to mark on your calendars is the Jerilderie Public School P & C Trivia Night set for Saturday, May 18.
If you have any news you would like to share, contact Judy on (03) 5886 1241 or email