Richard living the dream with his mates Black Betty and Mollie.
Photo by
Barb Love
After a hectic life in merchant banking and the finance sector, Richard Vincent retired from the business world to create his own peaceful ‘Shangri-La’ on the banks of the unique and spectacular Torgannah Lagoon at Koonomoo.
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Richard shares his property Mysia Waters with his much-loved four-legged friends. Black Betty is a magnificent gentle 17-year-old mare, while adopted chestnut horse Noddy, who had previously been badly mistreated, is living his best life and believed to be 30 years old. The old warrior is beginning to show his age, but then he is after all an elderly gentleman! “Noddy has a home for life here!” Richard said.
The equine pair has a little mate, Mollie, a friendly eight-year-old Cavoodle, who is busy and smart and soundly trained by Richard to obey his commands. The trio are definitely best friends, with Richard the respected commander in chief.
The 15-acre property also houses five Murray Greys, with the oldest cow now 14 and still producing a calf each year. A Limousin bull put to the cows produces 4-5 calves a year.
Richard previously flew glider planes and was an instructor at Tocumwal, while he also journeyed to Geelong four days a week managing several medical clinics. It was a big demand on his time which he did for 15 years until the time came for a lifestyle change.
Richard's beloved and clever Cavoodle Mollie.
Photo by
Barb Love
In 2003, Richard, alongside well-recognised Cobram medico Dr Mikael MacDougall, opened Mivo Park Medical Clinic. Mikael, now long retired, enjoys life with his wife Margaret in Melbourne. The trio continue to have regular catch-ups during the year.
While a Melbourne resident for many years, Richard has always loved Tocumwal, Cobram and surrounding areas and harboured a desire for a property nearby Torgannah Lagoon.
While inspecting one property, which in the end was not quite what he wanted, he learned of a small parcel of land for sale nearby. He purchased it and built himself a new home.
Today Richard has the perfect lifestyle. He has a modern comfortable home in a spectacular location, lots of shedding, plenty to do and the company of his four-legged mates.
“Living here is like a holiday environment. It’s relaxing and there’s plenty to see and do if you want it! There are lots of critters, fish, ducks, spoonbills, koalas, kangaroos and birdlife and it’s so peaceful,” Richard said.
I first met Richard at the Christmas breakup of Riding for the Disabled (RDA) two years ago when he was driving adults and youngsters in a carriage harnessed by his magnificent mare Black Betty. The participants loved the experience and Betty didn’t miss a beat! It is well-recognised that horses possess profound emotional intelligence.
Two local horse-lovers, Seth Hall of Cobram and Gordon Gannon of Deniliquin, asked Richard if he would like to bring Black Betty along to RDA to give the participants a joy ride around the oval at the showgrounds. Betty appeared to enjoy her day, yet no more than the grateful participants. The smiles on everyone’s faces tells the story.
In 2020, after selling a medical centre in Geelong and Mivo Park in Cobram to Dan Yapa, Richard is today officially retired and enjoying every moment of life on the banks of the Torgannah Lagoon.
It could be said he is living the dream!
Let’s Laugh
Texting for seniors: helpful ways to shorten text messages to friends and family.
BFF - Best friend fell
BTW - Bring the wheelchair
BYOT - Bring your own teeth
LMDO - Laughing my dentures off
FWIW - Forgot where I was
IMHAO - Is my hearing aid on?
OMMR - On my massage recliner
ROFLACGU - Rolling on the floor laughing and can’t get up.