The event will commence at 10.30am at Farmer’s Arms Hotel on Hennessy St with a bacon and egg brekkie prior to departure at 11.30am.
Our community is welcome to attend the breakfast, where there will also be a raffle.
The Kruze will be a round trip ride taking the participants to Finley, Berrigan, Barooga and back to Farmer’s Arms at 3pm.
There will be a display of the motorcycles involved, and drinks on arrival back at the hotel.
There will be a prize for best bike.
Register your interest in being a Motley Crue Tocumwal rider and enjoy a great day out.
Entries are already up 50 per cent on last year’s numbers, and registered bikes of any make and model are eligible.
This event raises funds for those touched by cancer in Tocumwal and surrounds.
For more information, or to sponsor this great event, please get in touch with ‘Garbo’ on 0480 276 854.
The Tocumwal Public School P&C Committee would like to send a massive thank you to the Tocumwal Community Development Committee (TCDC).
The TCDC hosts the Friday night meat raffle at Tattersalls Hotel, and the Tocumwal Public School is one of five local groups that benefit from the profits of this event.
At the fishing competition presentation evening, the participating groups each received a cheque for $725.
Volunteers from each group run the raffle each week with profits from each evening pooled together and divided evenly between the groups.
Tocumwal Football Netball Club is holding its 2024 season launch this Saturday.
The fun will run from 4pm until 6pm at Club Tocumwal, with barefoot bowls and a kid's slide.
Nibbles will be provided and drinks are at bar prices.
It has been great to see the Tocumwal Pony Club active in our community over the weekend, holding its first rally of the year.
The club had a small group ride from Town Beach to the Tocumwal Ice Creamery and back, just in time for a lunchtime swim.
Alice Stewart organised the fun ride and has some great plans for future events.
“We all had an amazing morning, and kids in town seeing horses were pretty excited too,” she said.
“Within the next year, we are working on cleaning up the grounds and trying to have a few smaller events in the future.
“Hopefully the community can come and see and enjoy,.
“Over the last few years, the club has been a little quiet and COVID definitely didn’t help.
“The community will hopefully see our barbecue fundraisers around town a bit more in the future too.”
The Tocumwal Pony Club has rallies on the first Sunday of each month, and attends local shows.
The club is always looking for new members, and people are more than welcome to attend and see what the club is about.
The club also invites instructors of different disciplines to reach out, so they can have more diverse and interesting rallies.
The club’s AGM is also approaching in March, with nominations open.
If you have something of interest for inclusion in the ‘Tocumwal Tells’ column, including if you’re celebrating a special event, please send an email to or call 0432 261 296.