Murrumbidgee Council Mayor Ruth McRae said council is “delighted” to reveal this year’s Australia Day Ambassador is well known food and cooking show personality, Lyndey Milan OAM.
“The day is always a highlight on the annual calendar and it’s so exciting that our events are back to the normal format this year after being impacted by COVID restrictions for several years,” Cr McRae said.
“I look forward to meeting Ms Milan and also catching up with locals at each of the celebrations.
“Thank you to the many volunteers and our staff who are involved in the event.”
Ms Milan said she is thrilled be appointed an Australia Day Ambassador for 2023.
“It is my 21st consecutive year (as an ambassador), but that makes this year even more special,” she said.
“I always request an event in a regional area and find smaller communities make so much effort, it’s fabulous.
The programs, by town, are as follows:
The ceremony will begin at 8am at John McInnes Square, in Brolga Place, Coleambally.
The event will include the presentation of Australia Day Awards and addresses by Ms Milan and Cr McRae.
A free breakfast will also be provided.
In the days that follow, the Brolga Hotel Six-A-Side Australia Day 2023 Championship cricket match will be played.
It will take place from 9am on Sunday, January 29 at the No 1 and 2 sports ovals on Falcon Street Coleambally.
Darlington Point:
Starting at midday at the CWA Park in Carrington Street, the Darlington Point ceremony will also include the presentation of Australia Day Awards and addresses from Ms Milan and Cr McRae.
A free barbecue lunch will also be held.
An Australia Day Summer Break Pool Party will take place at the Darlington Point War Memorial Swimming Pool between midday and 3pm.
Funded by a NSW Government grant, there will be free pool entry, free giant slip and slide, prizes, free sausage sizzle, fruit boxes and Zooper Doopers.
Jerilderie’s Australia Day celebrations are held in the evening, and include a traditional fireworks display to close out the day.
The fun starts from 6.30pm at Luke Park.
There will be free entertainment and a barbecue, while the formal ceremony will include Australia Day Awards and an address by Cr McRae.
The fireworks will be from about 9.45pm.