For sale: By expressions of interest, closing noon on August 30.
The details: 253.7ha/627 acres.
‘Smeatonvale East’ in Jerilderie is a summer and winter cropping holding that has been carefully developed by the Rochford family since acquiring the property in 1976.
The property has undergone extensive irrigation development and presents with 204 hectares (504 acres) of laser levelled irrigation layout complete with recycle system, quality channel and bay infrastructure.
‘Smeatonvale East’ features secure water supply via Murray Irrigation Limited with two extra large delivery outlets and 800 MIL delivery entitlements.
It has excellent drainage to a primary sump with an adjoining 100ML storage dam equipped with a 6” Paterson pump and Yanmar diesel engine.
A major feature of ‘Smeatonvale East’ is its soil types, with predominantly grey self-mulching soils suited to rice or cotton crops, winter cereals or fodder production.
In addition to the irrigable area is 10ha (25ac) of red loam soils utilised for dryland cropping, 14ha (35ac) containing a box shelter belt, and an additional 5ha (12.4ac) Crown Land lease.
‘Smeatonvale East’ presents broad acre irrigable cropping opportunities with quality soil types, unrestricted fields, outstanding water supply and drainage.
The holding is situated 1km east of the Newell Highway via bitumen road, 18km south of Jerilderie, 20km north of Finley, 310km north of Melbourne, and in proximity to grain receival sites and agribusiness centres.
Expressions of interests close at noon on Friday, August 30.
For further details, or to arrange a property inspection, call Matt Horne on 0409 355 733 or the Elders Finley branch on 5890 6000.